Episode 23: The Importance of Personal Development

If I could back in time and tell myself one thing it would be…"Take the time you need to work on yourself, and everything else will fall into place." 

I can tell you without a shadow of doubt that the big strides and waves I have made in running my business and becoming a working artist have come from working on myself, being curious about my inner critic, and changing the dialogue that my limiting beliefs have created for me. 

It was when I started to reflect, journal, and work through the things that held me back that my art, my business, and my voice became stronger. I gained confidence to wholesale my greeting cards after believing in the value I had to offer. I started a podcast when I believed in my voice and pushed against imposter syndrome. I showed up more vulnerably and authentically online when I started to love who I was in my entirety. 

I want this for you. If you have big dreams and ambitions but you are having a hard time putting them into action…I am here for you! I have been there too! I would love to help guide you in worksheets, workshops, and provide a special place for you in The Tillage Village. 

Our six months together will provide beautiful “soil” for you to grow your roots and flourish into all that you are to become. 

My belief statements for The Tillage Village are as follows:

  • I believe that creatives NEED community.

  • I believe that stronger creative businesses are made through accountability and intentionality.

  • I believe that when we start working on our mindset that opportunities will be abundantly more clear and easier for us to take action on.

  • I believe that when we quiet ourselves through reflection and journaling we are more in tune with our hearts, our desires, and we can make more informed decisions.

  • I believe that knowing our “why” is critical to making a meaningful impact that is fulfilling.

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to sign up at the founding members price of $222 for a 6 month commitment. I hope you can join as for community, accountability, and intentionality! 


Episode 24: Merging Motherhood and Making with Lottie Caiella


Episode 22: The Power of Celebration with Colleen Underwood