Episode 51: The Journey from Comfort Zone to Growth Zone

Stepping out of our comfort zone is the key to unlocking growth and transformation. Just like a toddler venturing into a new school, we must embrace the unfamiliar to evolve. Progress requires pushing boundaries. Without risks, there are no rewards; and avoiding challenges leads to stagnation. Pushing our boundaries develops new skills and boosts confidence, making future endeavors less daunting. Think of it as a muscle - the more we exercise it, the stronger it becomes.

From Comfort Zone to Growth Zone
This article, “20 Simple Ways You Can Step Out of Your Comfort Zone” by Vanessa Van Edwards, serves as a guide to breaking free from the cozy confines of your comfort zone. Imagine this article as a map leading you through uncharted territories of personal growth.

The journey begins in the heart of your comfort zone - that snug haven where you're in control, like a cozy blanket. Think about your own creative journey. Perhaps you're a master of creating art, but you've never shared it with the world. That's your comfort zone.

But then comes the fear zone, where butterflies flutter in your stomach and doubts creep in. It's that space where fear and anxiety take center stage. Imagine this as the part of your journey where you long to share your art with the world, but self-doubt holds you back. You're convinced you're not ready, not good enough. Staying in the comfort zone seems much cozier.

As you navigate the fear zone, the learning zone beckons - a realm of possibilities where you gather knowledge and skills. Imagine flipping on a light in a dim room; suddenly, things become clearer. So, back to our scenario. You might discover that sharing your artwork can attract an audience. You learn the art of Instagram reels and how to capture your creations in captivating photographs. With each new skill, the fear zone's grip loosens.

Finally: the growth zone. It's like stepping into the spotlight with newfound confidence. Remember that fear zone? Well, it's become a distant memory. With a heart full of knowledge and skills, you're now ready for success. This is where you boldly post your creations online. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, until sharing your art online feels as natural as breathing. Your comfort zone has expanded, and what was once daunting is now second nature.

Imagine this journey as a dynamic cycle - from the comfort zone to the growth zone. The beautiful part? Each time you embark on a new venture, you're not starting from scratch. You're building upon the courage, knowledge, and skills you've gathered from previous leaps!


  • Getting out of your comfort zone is crucial for growth, both as a creative entrepreneur and in personal development. Staying in your comfort zone can hinder progress and prevent you from reaching your full potential.

  • Starting with small steps can lead to bigger changes over time. Just as going to the gym for a short period gradually builds into a routine,  each small action will lead to progress, and over time more comfort.

  • There are several zones you pass through when moving from your comfort zone to a new challenge:

    • Comfort Zone: Feels secure and familiar.

    • Fear Zone: Introduces fear, anxiety, and excuses, often hindering progress due to the anticipation of obstacles.

    • Learning Zone: Focuses on learning and acquiring new skills to overcome challenges.

    • Growth Zone: After learning and practicing, you move into a zone of growth, where you face obstacles and achieve success.

  • Journaling your journey as you step out of your comfort zone can help you set expectations, identify and label your zone, process your emotions, and help you see how far you've come.

  • Consistently pushing yourself out of your comfort zone will lead to huge results, more confidence, and competence in new skills. It will get easier with time. 

    Are you ready to turn your passion into profit and make your artistic dreams a reality?

    Join in on Stacie Bloomfield’s FREE mini course “The Artist’s Side Hustle” TODAY!

    Stacie will teach you:

    🌟13 ways anyone can sell art (without selling their soul)

    🌟A practical roadmap to get started and move forward

    🌟The framework to use 5 hours a week to create income from your art

    🌟How to leverage your art into income opportunities and set your dreams in motion

    This free mini course includes LIVE Q&As, prizes and giveaways so you aren’t going to want to miss out!

    Ready to join me?  SIGN UP TODAY, CLASS STARTS NOW!

    *I am proud supporter of Stacie and an affiliate for this FREE Mini Course.


Episode 52: Lessons Learned From Year 1 of Podcasting


Episode 50: Building Something Bigger Than Yourself with Stacie Bloomfield