Episode 54: Keeping Possibility Alive For The Long Haul with Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts, an accomplished artist and creator, shares her transformative journey from being a medical social worker in a stressful hospital environment to becoming a successful artist and creative entrepreneur. Her story is one of inspiration and growth, marked by her discovery of the healing power of art. Initially drawn to the world of crafting and collaging, she found immense joy and fulfillment in creating, which led her to establish an art-focused career.

Inner Whispers
Kelly's journey can resonate with those seeking to transition to a creative career or embrace change in their lives. One crucial aspect is the importance of listening to one's inner whispers and intuition. Kelly emphasizes the significance of getting quiet, silencing external noise, and asking oneself what is truly calling to be created. This practice of tuning into the inner self and following those whispers can guide individuals toward their authentic paths.

The Spirit Of Possibility
Embracing the spirit of possibility is another central theme in Kelly's journey. She encourages others to channel their younger, fearless selves and reconnect with their optimism and dreams they once held. Kelly suggests envisioning a mentor from the past or future, someone who embodies the spirit of possibility and serves as a guide in navigating creative challenges and doubt, can rekindle a sense of wonder, creativity, and potential.

Full-Bodied Yes
Kelly also delves into the art of decision-making, discussing how she evaluates opportunities that come her way. She advises taking a mindful approach to saying yes or no to projects. Evaluating opportunities based on whether they align with personal values, whether they invigorate a "full-bodied yes," and whether they contribute positively to one's creative journey can help prevent becoming overwhelmed by commitments that might not resonate.

Ultimately, Kelly Rae Roberts' journey underscores the significance of embracing one's creative calling, honoring intuition, and fostering a deep connection to possibility. Through her experiences, she highlights the transformative power of creativity in shaping a fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Her story serves as an inspiring reminder that even amidst uncertainties and challenges, the pursuit of creativity can lead to a life rich with meaning, growth, and authenticity.

“Spirit calls you to the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Frederick Buechner

Key Takeaways:

  • Reflecting on your past self and calling upon different versions of yourself can be a helpful practice to tap into the spirit of possibility and reignite your passion and creativity.

  • Possibility is an energy that can be nurtured by getting quiet, silencing the noise in your life, and listening to your inner whispers and desires.

  • It's essential to identify which part of yourself is driving your decisions. Are you being led by fear or by your grounded and intuitive self?

  • Saying "yes" to opportunities can be important for exploration and growth, especially in the early stages of your creative journey. However, it's crucial to be discerning about the opportunities you accept. Ensure that they align with your vision, values, and are a full-bodied "yes" rather than just a response to external pressures.

  • Surrounding yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals can help keep the spirit of possibility alive and provide encouragement and accountability.

  • Keep in mind the intersection of your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger. Pursuing what brings you joy while also meeting a need in the world can lead to a fulfilling and purposeful creative journey.

Self-taught artist and entrepreneur, Kelly Rae Roberts, believes in the power of possibility. A former social worker, Kelly Rae picked up her first paintbrush at age 30 and everything changed. Painting brought her what she was craving: healing, unburdened joy, awakening.

Her tender style of truth-telling and possibility-driven approach to life, work, & art spread like wildfire and has been featured in countless books, magazines, and licensed products. She is the creator of several beloved ecourses, books, and retreats that focus on the idea that when we let art out, we let love in. 

She lives in small town Sisters, OR with her son True, husband John, and two English Bulldogs, Lulu and Amelia. You can learn more about Kelly Rae at www.KellyRaeRoberts.com and follow along on instagram.

Download Kelly Rae’s FREE Printable Possibilitarian Manifesto

Kelly Rae’s
Blog Post that was read in this episode.

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