Episode 56: Rebooting Your Rhythm and Routine

In the midst of a chaotic season of transition, with summer fading into the rearview and September ushering in the school year, we're all struggling to find our footing. The shifting schedules and new routines have thrown us for a loop. Take my life, for example – my daughter's now home half the day, and I'm wrangling pickups, lunchtime logistics, and dinner plans. It's been a wild ride, and I'm sure many of you can relate.

June and July were golden months; I had my morning routine nailed down. Picture this: 6 AM, I'd hit the gym, get my workout done, and even indulge in a relaxing sauna session – I was on fire! You ever experienced feeling invincible during a streak? But…then came August, and somewhere along the way, things started slipping. The question is, why?

I'm also going to spill the beans on how I plan to reclaim that rhythm and get back on track. Plus, if you're a planning enthusiast like me, you're in for a treat. I'm going to share some of my favorite planning techniques that have helped me stay grounded through life's unpredictable twists and turns.

Evaluating Internal or External Circumstances
When life tosses you off the routine train, it's time to take stock of the external and internal forces at play. In my case, the derailment began with a trip, disrupting the familiar groove of my daily life. Returning home, I faced the daunting task of piecing together my shattered routine. But that wasn't the only curveball. My daughter had taken to sneaking into our bed, rendering my alarm clock obsolete and my 5am wakeup routine became a thing of the past.

So, what's to blame for these hiccups? External factors like travel and nightly bed intrusions certainly played a role. Yet, it's crucial to recognize that internal factors can also throw us off course. Sometimes, you just lack the motivation, and the grind of maintaining routines can feel like a never-ending marathon.

If you find yourself veering off course, take a breather to pinpoint the culprits. Is it external chaos or an internal slump? Once you've identified the root cause, you can start crafting your strategy for a triumphant return to your rhythm and routine.

Finding Your Anchors
Creating anchors in your life is like finding your secret sauce for success. These anchors can be locations, specific times, or even certain days of the week that you dedicate to a particular activity. I've found them to be absolute game-changers in maintaining rhythm and routine.

These anchors provide stability and predictability, helping you get the basics on autopilot so you can tackle the deeper stuff in life.Take my journaling habit, for instance. I had this morning ritual where I'd slip away to a quiet spot in my car before work, scribbling in my journal until just before clocking in. It was my sanctuary. This daily ritual was anchored to my drive to work, and it became such a part of my routine that I didn't resist it; it just flowed.

Then there's my Saturday chore day with my husband – laundry and grocery shopping. Having a designated day for household tasks streamlined our lives. Sundays, on the other hand, are my weekly planning days. I hunker down with my planner and calendar to prep for the week ahead.

But the magic of anchors isn't just in their practicality; it's in the consistency they bring. Take two amazing members of my community The Tillage Village, Katy @brightentheday and Annie @annueelizastudio, who've committed to daily art for over 60 and 100 days, respectively. They've made it a ritual, an anchor in their lives.

Here's a bonus tip: set yourself up for success the night before. Whether it's prepping your gym gear, your kids' clothes, or anything you'll need for the day, it eliminates the morning scramble.

Anchors are your secret weapon for embedding positive habits into your daily life. Choose a location, time, or day, and watch these anchors transform your routines into second nature.

Being Persistence over Consistence
Here's the silver lining: persistence over consistency. If maintaining a flawless routine feels like an uphill battle, remember that it's okay to stumble. What truly matters is your unwavering determination to show up and give it another shot.

Even I, am not immune to these hiccups. I've fallen off the gym wagon, and my 5am mornings are a distant memory right now. I feel the chaos creeping in, the routine slipping through my fingers. But here's the kicker – I won't give up. I'll reevaluate, figure out what's still working and what isn't, and then I'll dust myself off and try again.

So, let's embrace the power of persistence. It's not about being flawless; it's about having the grit to keep coming back, striving for that routine that anchors our lives.

Types of Planning
Currently, I'm diving into bullet journaling, thanks to Dylan M's Skillshare class. It's a revelation because it lets me consolidate all my scattered thoughts, notes, and inspiration into one place. No more loose papers or digital clutter. While I'm still figuring out the nuances, it's already become my go-to for keeping my creative ideas organized.

Another planning strategy I've explored is time blocking, especially with the help of the Passion Planner. This nifty tool allows me to color-code my schedule, making it a breeze to see at a glance where I'm spending my time. It's perfect for visual learners who want to ensure they're striking a balance between work, passion projects, and socializing.

And let's not forget the power of yearly planning. I've adopted the practice “annual planning” as early as October or November. This way, I can chart out my entire year, from business launches to family events and retreats. It's a game-changer that helps me align my goals with my schedule, ensuring I don't bite off more than I can chew.

Extra Resources:

Dylan M’s Bullet Journal Class on Skillshare |
“Bullet Journaling: Life Management for Creatives”

”Your Best Year”by Lisa Jacobs *Amazon affiliate link  

Episode 38: Building a Better Relationship with Your Business with Lisa Jacobs

Passion Planner

Key Takeaways:

  • Building rhythm and routine is to help manage our time effectively as creative entrepreneurs. 

  • If you find yourself getting off track with your rhythms and routines, take a step back and evaluate. Be aware that seasonal transitions, like the end of summer,  the start of school, or going on vacations can disrupt routines.

  • See if you can indicate if an external factors or an internal factor is impacted your routines getting off track. External factors are things like traveling or changes within your family and internal factors example could be a lack of motivation. 

  • Helpful tools to help establish routine and planning in your life were:
    -Creating "Anchors", which involves choosing a specific location, time, or day to consistently perform activities.
    -Time blocking which visually organizes your schedule with colors or symbols to analyze and adjust your time allocation.
    -Yearly planning, which can helps set goals, schedule events, and create a balanced routine for the entire year.

  • It’s important to create rhythm and routine that will be sustainable and will align with your current responsibilities and life stage.

  • And lastly, routines should be able to  adapt to changing circumstances and remain flexible. Remember to be persistent, if being consistent is difficult for you.

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Episode 57: Persistence in Passive Income with Liz Kohler Brown


Episode 55: Empowering Tools for the Anxious Artist with Dr. Bobbi Ballard