Episode 62: Handling Crises with Confidence

Recently, I had to step away for two weeks, leaving my podcast on pause. My mental health took priority and I needed to recover from insomnia. It broke my heart to not provide episodes during that time. I learned a lot in being gone, and I'm ready to share insights from my experience on preparing your business for crisis.

The first thing you can do is let go of perfectionism. Your business might be your baby, but sometimes you've got to loosen the reins. Believing that someone else can manage your business is a leap of faith, but letting go that they will run it just like you is imperative. Secondly, designate a spokesperson—a single, reliable communicator to avoid chaos. Keep a secure list of passwords accessible for your team. Decide what can wait, what needs rescheduling, and what must go on as planned. Lastly, create instructional loom videos to guide your team through tasks remotely. If you're feeling ambitious, craft a comprehensive manual—hyperlinks, Loom videos, and all—to ensure your business doesn't crumble when you're not around.

Key Takeaways:

  • Let go of perfectionism.

  • Choose your spokesperson. Know what and how they will communicate on your behalf. Beware of too many cooks in the kitchen.

  • Have all of your passwords written down and in a safe place for people to access. 

  • Know what to let go of, what to reschedule, and what to continue as planned. Will you keep your shop open or will you close it?

  • Have “loom videos” ready to go to explain processes.

  • Have a manual that explains things in detail if you can ahead of time.

    Enroll in “Secrets to Sourcing Overseas” with Rebecca Woolbright today!


Episode 63: Overwhelm and Shiny Object Syndrome with Elizabeth Silver


Episode 61: From Fear to Strategy: Navigating the Entrepreneurial Roadmap with Katie Hunt of Proof to Product