Episode 77: 5 Tools for Handling Disappointment

Today, we're diving into a topic that's been on my mind a lot lately, and I've had numerous conversations about it with friends. We're talking about disappointment. Whether it's my own experiences or those shared by friends, disappointment is a universal aspect of the human journey. It's only March, and I've already found myself reflecting on the expectations and ideas we often attach to the new year, especially when quarter one ends. In this episode, I want explore the nature of disappointment, discuss its definition, and share five practical tools to navigate and overcome it.

The Nature of Disappointment
Disappointment is a common human emotion, and it's something I've grappled with personally. It's easy to get trapped in that feeling, and that's where the importance of tools comes in. The key is to avoid getting entangled in that emotional web and instead equip ourselves with strategies to navigate through disappointment more effectively. It's all about finding a way forward.

The Definition of Disappointment
Let's delve into the definition of disappointment, recognizing it as more than just a word. The definition of disappointment is, “a sadness, or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of one's hopes or expectations.” We often only look at the circumstances that cause our disappointment and the outcome that doesn’t align with our expectations, it became a source of disappointment. However, it is important to look at the deeper emotions and insights tied to our disappointment. By looking into the roots of our disappointments, we lay the groundwork for understanding and overcoming them.

5 Tools for Handling Disappointment
The first tool is all about feeling and sharing your emotions. A heartfelt conversation with a friend can work wonders. Identifying the root of your disappointment is crucial. The second tool involves zooming out to see the bigger picture. Gain perspective. Disappointment in one moment does not dictate your entire story. Now, let's talk about the third tool – allowing disappointment to be your teacher. Instead of getting stuck, view disappointments as opportunities to learn and grow. In the fourth tool, we address the delicate matter of self-worth. Disappointments can sometimes lead to questioning your abilities, impact, or role. It's important to be firm in knowing your value. Your worth is not solely determined by the outcomes of your ventures. Acknowledge the smaller victories and actions that contribute to your journey. For the fifth tool, I've personally found it valuable to take a moment to release and uplift my spirits. Engaging in activities that release endorphins, like exercising or spending quality time with loved ones. These activities help me transition from the initial feelings of sadness and disappointment to a more positive and energized state.

Remember, there is much more to you than any single success or failure. Be kind to yourself, credit the efforts you put in, and recognize the significant impact of every step, big or small. Armed with these tools, I hope you are better prepared to face and overcome disappointments on your creative path. Stay resilient, stay inspired, and keep creating!


  • Take the time to identify the root causes of your disappointments and express these feelings openly. Sharing your experiences with others can also help you realize that you're not alone and can validate your feelings.

  • It’s essential to maintain perspective. Each setback is just one chapter in your story and does not determine the outcome of your entire journey. Don't lose sight of the smaller achievements you've experienced along the way.

  • Use disappointment as an opportunity for learning and growth. Treat each experience as a chance to refine your approach.

  • Remember, that your worth is not tied to external validation or the outcomes of specific events. Give yourself credit for your efforts, confidence, and willingness to put yourself out there.

  • It's important to take care of yourself emotionally and physically after experiencing disappointment. Engage in activities that release endorphins, such as exercise or spending time with loved ones. Journaling can also be a helpful way to process your feelings and gain clarity.

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Episode 78: The Emotional Rollercoaster of Launching with Ashley Paggi, Genna Blackburn, and Rebecca Woolbright


Episode 76: Permission To Pivot