Episode 83: Unmasking Imposter Syndrome: Embracing Worthiness in Your Creative Journey

Today, I’m covering a topic that's often discussed but rarely understood deeply—imposter syndrome. Even though imposter syndrome is common, I want to talk about it in a way that feels fresh and relatable to you. However, I want to first recognize how brave it is to face these inner battles and try to learn and grow from them. I am right here with you.

Exploring Imposter Syndrome
First, we journey into the heart of imposter syndrome, a phenomenon that plagues many creative minds. We begin by examining responses from a question I posed in an email newsletter, which revealed the deep personal struggles many artists have tied to feelings of inadequacy, fear of rejection, and the relentless pursuit of validation. These feelings are common among all kinds of creative people, showing that imposter syndrome affects a lot of us.

Understanding Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome was first talked about by psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes in 1978. It's basically feeling anxious and unsure about yourself, even if you're doing well on the outside. We'll break down things like always doubting yourself, not thinking your work is important, giving credit to outside things for your success, and constantly worrying about not meeting expectations. These ideas help us see how imposter syndrome affects how we see ourselves, what we achieve, and how much we think we're worth.

The Link to Self-Worth
As we dig deeper, I discuss something important: a strong tie between imposter syndrome and feeling like we're not good enough. Using ideas from Jamie Kern Lima's book "Worthy," we're looking into how our self-confidence affects how much we can achieve and the positive changes we can make. She says in her book:

“You don’t become what you want. You become what you believe you’re worthy of: in life, in love, in friendships, in your career, and in your hopes and dreams.” -Jamie Kern Lima

The journey urges us to look at our old ways of thinking and understand how being kind to ourselves and accepting who we are can make a real difference. As we navigate the complexities of imposter syndrome and self-worth, remember that growth lies in embracing discomfort and challenging limiting beliefs. Your journey towards authenticity and impact is ongoing, and each step forward brings newfound strength, resilience, and a deeper understanding of your creative potential. Embrace the process, trust in your journey, and continue to cultivate a mindset of self-compassion, curiosity, and growth.


  • Imposter syndrome is a widespread experience that touches nearly everyone, regardless of their outward success. Acknowledging that you are not alone in these feelings can help lessen their grip on you.

  • Imposter syndrome is rooted in a deep-seated belief of not being worthy. Reflect on your internal dialogues about worthiness, especially in moments of doubt.

  • Recognizing this can be a significant first step in healing and building true self-esteem.

  • Familiarize yourself with the traits commonly associated with imposter syndrome—such as self-doubt, attributing success to luck, and fearing exposure as a fraud. Actively challenge these thoughts by reflecting on your achievements and the real value you bring.

  • Fully embrace what makes you unique. Trust that your individual perspective is valuable and that there is only one you.

  • Shift your focus from your fears to the needs and benefits of your audience or customers. Reflect on the positive impacts you have made and use this as a motivator to continue your work despite any self-doubt.

  • Make a list of the top three gifts you offer the world and reflect on how these positively affect others. This exercise can affirm your value and squash feelings of being an imposter.


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