Episode 96: Discovering Microjoys: How Small Moments of Happiness Can Impact Your Creative Practice

Today, we're diving into the concept of "microjoys"—those small, often overlooked moments of happiness that can make a big difference in our daily lives. Inspired by Cyndie Spiegel's book Microjoys: Finding Hope, Especially When Life Is Not Okay, I'll share how these tiny joys have impacted my week and how you can start finding them in your own life.

Discovering Microjoys
This week, my journey to understanding micro joys began with a trip to our local library. Despite rarely picking up physical books, a display caught my eye—”Microjoys” by Cyndie Spiegel. The book is a collection of short essays detailing small moments of joy, especially during tough times. Cyndie’s authenticity comes from her own experiences of profound grief and hardship. Including, losing her nephew, mother, and brother within a short span, and battling breast cancer. Her ability to find and share these microjoys despite her struggles inspired me to look for and appreciate the small, beautiful moments in my own life.

Capturing Microjoys in Everyday Moments
Throughout the week, I practiced finding micro joys, and it was surprisingly transformative. From discovering a tiny, metallic-green frog at Petco to noticing the purple hues of the mountains at sunset, these moments brought unexpected joy. Taking my kids to a marionette show and being mesmerized by the puppeteer's skill was another highlight. Even simple pleasures, like enjoying a glass of iced matcha with cardamom or receiving a compliment on my glowing skin from a new skincare routine, became cherished microjoys. These small, often overlooked moments enriched my week and reminded me to stay present.

Microjoys and Creativity
Microjoys not only uplift our spirits but also fuel our creativity. I realized that some of my best illustrations stemmed from these tiny moments in the past without me realizing it. For example, a birthday card design featuring a dandelion came from watching my daughter blow dandelion seeds. Another card, inspired by her fascination with ladybugs, originated from a day when our backyard was filled with these little creatures. Even moments shared by others, like a video of snails eating marigolds posted by member Kim Koehler of Kimko Designs in The Tillage Village inspired her beautiful artwork. Embracing microjoys helps us see the world with childlike wonder, sparking creativity and inspiration.

I encourage you to start noticing and appreciating the microjoys in your life. Keep a journal or a Google Doc to document these moments. When you feel uninspired, revisit your list and let these small joys fuel your creativity. Wishing you a week filled with microjoys!


  • Microjoys represent the small, often overlooked moments of joy that are present in everyday life. Despite overwhelming challenges, recognizing these moments can provide hope and a positive perspective.

  • Developing an appreciation for microjoys requires intentional practice, heightened awareness, and a focused mindset.

  • Microjoys thrive on the simple act of noticing and appreciating what already exists around us. This could be as mundane as the intricate details of a puppet show, the unique color of a frog, or the taste of a favorite drink.

  • In periods of personal turmoil, such as experiencing illness, loss, or family crises, microjoys can serve as vital anchors. They provide small escapes and reasons to smile, which are crucial for mental and emotional health.

  • Paying attention to microjoys can deeply inspire and influence your creative practice. By noticing and valuing small joys, you can gather fresh ideas that can be woven into your creations. This practice can enrich your art with genuine emotion and connect more profoundly with your audience.

Find out more about microjoys:


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Episode 97: Mindful Goal-Setting for The Ambitious with Caroline Zook


Episode 95: Balancing Art and Authenticity with Miriam Schulman