Episode 101: 5 Simple Tips to Reset Your Life When Things Feel Out of Control

I'm so glad you're here, especially if you're feeling the need for a little reset in your life. Whether you’re listening right as this episode drops in September or catching up later, the tips I’m sharing today are meant to help you realign and find some fresh momentum. We all go through seasons where things feel a bit out of control! I’m hoping these five simple strategies will give you the boost you need to get back on track.

The Signs That It’s Time for a Reset
Let’s be honest—when life feels chaotic, it can be overwhelming. Maybe you don’t know what you’re eating tomorrow, your house is a mess, or your schedule is all over the place. If you’re feeling frazzled, you’re not alone. As we transition from summer to fall, with all of the changes that come with the new season—kids going back to school, the first day of fall—it’s easy to feel like everything is piling up. In this episode, I talk about how recognizing these feelings is the first step to getting a grip on things. Sometimes, just acknowledging that you need a reset is the most important part.

Five Tips to Help You Reset and Realign
This episode contains five practical tips that have helped me get back on track when life feels a bit out of control. We’re talking about things like taking an hour to purge the clutter from your home, tackling that one task you’ve been avoiding forever, and doing a good old-fashioned brain dump to clear your mind. These aren’t just tasks—they’re small, intentional actions that can help you regain control and feel a sense of accomplishment. Trust me, once you start with these, you might be surprised at how much lighter and more motivated you feel.

Planning, Self-Care, and Setting Yourself Up for Success
Resetting isn’t just about getting rid of clutter; it’s also about planning and taking care of yourself. I’ll share how setting aside time to plan your month or week can make a huge difference in how you approach your days. Plus, don’t forget to do something kind for yourself—whether it’s a long hike, getting your hair done, or just spending time with a friend. These small acts of self-care can have a big impact on how you feel going into a new month. And, if you’re looking for a little extra push, I’ve got some exciting opportunities coming up! Don’t miss my free challenge Do It Scared September to help you tackle those big goals you’ve been putting off.

So, if you’re feeling the need for a reset, this episode is for you. I hope these tips help you find some clarity and momentum as you step into a new season. And remember, you don’t have to do it all—just pick one thing that resonates with you and go from there. I’m here cheering you on, and I can’t wait to hear how you’re resetting and realigning for whatever comes next.

Key Takeaways:

  • Spend an hour purging unnecessary items from your home. Removing physical clutter can uplift your mental state and it mirrors an internal process of letting go of what no longer serves you.

  • Choose a challenging task you've been avoiding and conquer it. Completing this can provide a sense of accomplishment and create a domino effect, encouraging you to take on other difficult tasks.

  • Create a brain dump and write down everything on your mind. This process transfers the weight of your thoughts from your internal world to an external piece of paper. This act will help you see things more clearly and organize your tasks more effectively.

  • Regularly set aside time to plan your month or week. This ritual can anchor you and help you manage your time more effectively. By putting a time to plan into your routine, you can ensure that you're progressing towards your goals in a measured and mindful way.

  • Do something for yourself and engage in an activity that nourishes your soul. This self-care practice is vital for maintaining your emotional and physical well-being, helping you reset internally.

Join Do It Scared September – A FREE Week-Long Challenge Designed to Help You Push Past the Fear and Take Action!


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