Episode 36: Embracing the Waiting Behind the Wins

In this episode, I explore the difficultly that comes with waiting for something that is not promised to us, but we believe in it nonetheless. Every win that you see someone celebrate has had a season of waiting behind it. Waiting for a desired outcome can be challenging, but I believe it is just as important to celebrate the waiting process and not just the end result. But how do we wait more patiently and how can we prepare for the long season ahead? Three tips I have for seasons of waiting are to keep moving forward and focus on what you can control, wait with others, and anticipate possible outcomes.

Keep Moving Forward + Focus On What You Can Control
When we're in the midst of waiting, it's easy to feel like we're stuck in limbo, powerless to do anything until we receive a response or an outcome. However, the truth is that there are still things we can control even in the waiting season. By keeping ourselves moving and focusing on what we can control, we shift our focus away from what we can't control, and this can help us to feel more empowered and less helpless. Taking action in areas that we do have control over can make us feel more productive, and it can also help us to develop new skills or strategies that we might not have otherwise considered.

Wait With Others
Waiting can be a lonely experience, but it doesn't have to be. Sharing your waiting journey with others can be incredibly beneficial. Talking to someone about your hopes and dreams, as well as your anxieties and fears, can help you process your emotions and alleviate some of the stress that comes with waiting. Having someone who is rooting for you and cheering you on during your waiting period can make all the difference in the world. Whether it's a close friend, family member, or a support group, having a community to rely on can help you feel less isolated and more connected. Not only can they offer emotional support, but they can also provide practical help and advice.

Anticipating The Outcome
Anticipating the good or the bad in your life can also help you cultivate a more optimistic mindset. By visualizing positive outcomes and preparing for negative ones, you can train your brain to see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. A great way to do this is through journaling about your feelings to help create a plan for how you would react to each outcome. This can help you process your emotions and come up with actionable steps to take once you receive the news.

Waiting is A Growth Opportunity
Waiting provides an opportunity to learn and grow. By being open and attentive to what is going on inside of us, we can learn to become more patient, evaluate the importance of our desires, better our skill set, and be open to unexpected opportunities.The waiting process is a refining experience that can bring our true selves to the surface. It is a journey that we all go through, and we should embrace its beauty and trust the process. If you are in a waiting period, know that you are not alone, and take comfort in knowing that you are growing and learning through the experience.


  • There is always a waiting season behind a win. What we see on social media is just the tip of the iceberg.

  • The season of waiting needs to be celebrated.

  • 3 tips to help with a waiting season:
    -Keep moving and focus on what you can control.
    -Wait with others. 
    -Think about the outcome and how you might plan for it.

  • To be intentional in your self-development and growth during a season of waiting as yourself these questions:
    -What can I do to become more patient?
    -Why is this thing I am waiting for so important to me? Is it aligned with my values?
    -What can I do to better my skillset during this time?
    -Can I be open to my desires or dreams shifting? 
    -Will I be open to other opportunities if they weren’t exactly what I was expecting?

  • Trust in the waiting and embrace the beauty that it has to offer.

    Sign up for the waitlist for Lissie's Teehee course “Art & Digital Processes.” Doors open May 9th through 16th!

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