Episode 42: Navigating Perfectionism with Ava Wolf of Aviate Press

Meet Ava, the creative force behind Aviate Press, a line of greeting cards, prints, and lifestyle products which was founded in 2015. Originally drawn to the allure of musical theater and a career in entertainment, she found her true passion in Nashville, where she discovered the world of freelance illustration. Through a chance encounter with fellow artists, Ava embraced her artistic journey after learning what art careers existed out in the world. Her vibrant and vulnerable illustrations make her a true inspiration in the creative world.

Unpacking Perfectionism
Perfectionism can be a controlling voice in our heads that sets rigid boundaries and disconnects us from trusting our instincts and embracing the playful side of creativity. It can take various forms, such as arbitrary rules we impose on ourselves to maintain a specific brand image or hesitations to explore new styles or mediums due to fear of deviating from our “signature style.” The perfectionist mindset often overlooks the value of embracing a beginner's student mentality, which involves vulnerability and the unknown. However, taking risks and learning from the creative process can be incredibly rewarding, even if the end result is not flawless. Perfectionism can hinder progress and block the completion of projects, especially when we become fixated on the fear of judgment or the idea that our work is not good enough. It can create a cycle of self-doubt and prevent us from sharing our art with the world. Many artists find themselves trapped in perfectionism, holding back their artwork from making its debut. It is important to recognize and challenge perfectionism to unleash our creative potential and embrace the imperfect beauty of our work.

Recovering After Mistakes
Mistakes can often be disheartening, leading us to want to retreat and avoid any further exposure. For instance, encountering a typo on a greeting card or inadvertently using the wrong name in an email pitch can induce feelings of embarrassment and self-criticism. The initial reaction may be the feeling of wanting to abandon our endeavors entirely. Nevertheless, it is important to remind ourselves that perfection is not even attainable. Acknowledging this truth requires effort, as it can be challenging to accept that we are not infallible. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that the majority of our mistakes often go unnoticed by others. Ultimately, it is crucial to regroup, return to the drawing board, and persist in our endeavors despite the occasional misstep.

Tools to Assist with Perfectionism
It's always valuable to have a toolkit of strategies to rely on when dealing with perfectionism. Taking a step back and reconnecting with your body can be incredibly helpful. Whether it's going for a walk or even just stretching and wiggling a bit, these actions can help release tension and shift our focus away from unrealistic expectations. Building a supportive network of fellow artists and creatives can also be a valuable tool. Maintaining connections with individuals who understand the struggles and share similar experiences can provide a sense of solidarity and validation. Of course, one essential step is reducing the amount of time spent on our phones, particularly on platforms like Instagram that can foster comparison and self-doubt. By unplugging, we can create space for genuine connection and alleviate the pressures of perfectionism. Ultimately, recognizing that many artists grapple with similar feelings and being able to vent and seek support within a community is beneficial.

Words of Encouragement
For those struggling with perfectionism, it's important to maintain a student mentality and approach perfectionism with curiosity. Embracing the mindset of a beginner leaves no room for perfectionism, as the focus shifts to learning and growth. Rather than striving for flawlessness, approach each endeavor with curiosity and a willingness to explore. It can also be beneficial to delve deeper into the roots of perfectionist tendencies, seeking to understand their positive intentions. Exploring concepts such as Internal Family Systems (IFS) can also shed light on different aspects of oneself and facilitate personal growth.


  • Perfectionism can be seen in us as a controlling behavior that creates rules or boundaries within ourselves or artwork. Ultimately perfectionism disconnects us from self-trust, intuition, and debuting our work.

  • At it’s core, perfectionism is rooted in a desire for affirmation and a fear of judgment.

  • Comparison and perfectionism can play off of each other, as we look to others who are ahead of us we can often feel like beginners which can trigger the need to be perfect or better.

  • It’s important to remember that what we deem as a mistake may often not even be seen by others.

  • It’s important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and embracing our imperfection can lead to inner growth. Mistakes and imperfections are inevitable, but they don't define our worth or talent.

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My name is Ava Wolf and I'm the owner/illustrator of Aviate Press. I started Aviate Press with a vision to help people connect through punny greeting cards and colorful art, but over the years it's also become a place to bond over deeper, more meaningful illustrations about self-reflection and growth. I plan to continue making meaningful art through Aviate Press for as long as I can and I hope you'll join me along the way!

Check out
Aviate Press and follow along on Ava Doodles instagram and Aviate Press instagram.


Episode 43: Adapting to Life’s Unexpected Circumstances


Episode 41: Confronting Discomfort: Wrestling With Resistance & Procrastination