Episode 43: Adapting to Life’s Unexpected Circumstances

You're an artist and business owner, in charge of setting your own goals and running everything behind the scenes. But then, out of the blue, life throws an unexpected circumstance way, completely derailing your plans. Maybe it's an illness, a family emergency, or even a shipment delay for your products. Suddenly, you find yourself in a situation that is completely out of your control and are desperately trying to figure out how to regain it. We all face circumstances that blindside us, no matter how meticulously we plan.

So, as artists and business owners, how do we handle these unexpected challenges that throw us off course? The answer isn't straightforward, but it involves adapting, being resilient, and seeking support when needed. It means recognizing that we can't control everything and finding alternative paths to navigate through the chaos.

Life will always throw us curveballs, and it's how we respond to them that truly matters. So, when circumstances spiral out of our control, it's essential to embrace flexibility, maintain a positive mindset, and give ourselves grace.


  1. Accept your feelings: It's okay to acknowledge and embrace your emotions when things go awry. Allow yourself to feel disappointed, frustrated, or stuck. Giving space to these emotions is essential for processing and moving forward.

  2. Change your timeframe: When faced with unforeseen circumstances, consider adjusting your timeline or putting certain plans on hold. Grant yourself permission to pivot and tackle projects when they become more feasible, freeing yourself from unnecessary pressure. Also remember that unexpected events are not a reflection of your progress or capabilities. Trust that if you still desire to pursue certain goals, they will happen in due time.

  3. Make lemonade out of lemons: Find ways to work with what you have, even in challenging circumstances. Be creative and resourceful, exploring alternative solutions or opportunities that arise from the unexpected. Embracing flexibility can lead to positive outcomes.

  4. Turn down the noise: Avoid the comparison trap and social media distractions that add to feelings of overwhelm and feeling “behind.” Focus on your own journey and resist the pressure to measure up to others. Tuning out external noise can alleviate unnecessary stress.

  5. Affirmations: Incorporating affirmations, such as "I am safe to feel," can provide clarity and a fresh perspective during difficult times.


  • Unexpected situations can leave us feeling disappointed, frustrated, and stuck, and it's important to accept and acknowledge those feelings.

  • It's necessary to adjust our timeframe and timeline when facing unforeseen circumstances.

  • Recognize that you are not behind and be aware of your limitations in these moments.

  • Find ways to make the best of the situation and learn from it. Can you make lemonade out of your lemons?

  • Turn down the noise of social media in these times to help diminish the feelings of being behind, shame, and overwhelm.

  • Lean on affirmations for a perspective shift, such as “I am safe to feel.”

  • Remember, that if you need to take a break from your creative pursuits, they will always be there waiting for you.

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Episode 44: Becoming a Wonder Seeker with Andrea Scher


Episode 42: Navigating Perfectionism with Ava Wolf of Aviate Press