Episode 44: Becoming a Wonder Seeker with Andrea Scher

Andrea's creative journey has been a thrilling adventure, starting with a dream to make a living from their art. Guided by mentor SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy), Andrea was led to explore various avenues, such as writing her own book, life coaching, creating courses, and doing speaking engagements to monetize their artistic talents. Andrea is a "feaster of life,” with several creative pursuits in her background including jewelry design and photography. Andrea fulfilled her lifelong dream by publishing “Wonder Seeker,” marking the culmination of her creative aspirations at the age of fifty.

What is “Wonder”?
Wonder is a wide-eyed delight, a feeling of awe and inspiration that arises when encountering something new, beautiful, or inspiring. It is a state of being that evokes delight and curiosity, often found in nature's wonders. It's like seeing the night sky for the first time, feeling your heart open, eyes widen, and experiencing a full-body sensation of reverence, gratitude, and curiosity. For Andrea, wonder is the essence that ties her creative work together, and she strives to cultivate a vibrant life filled with wonder, gratitude, curiosity, and joy. She admires those who find awe in the ordinary and live with a deep appreciation for life's wonders. This desire to be a wonder seeker, embracing the extraordinary in the everyday, drives Andrea's creative journey and outlook on life.

Counterfeit Joys
"Counterfeit joy" is a term coined by poet and writer Francis Weller, referring to the things we settle for in the pursuit of happiness. It encompasses the fleeting dopamine hits from mindless scrolling, seeking validation through likes and status, numbing ourselves, and indulging in pleasures that don't truly nourish us. Real joy, on the other hand, is a simple state of mind, easily recognizable and often experienced through moments of wonder. Wonder has the power to disrupt our daily routines, shifting us from grumpy or unimpressed to present, open, and awestruck. It propels us into a higher vibration, where we embrace genuine experiences rather than settling for counterfeit joys. While acknowledging the allure of these distractions, the key lies in cultivating awareness and consciously choosing the real deal, actively creating more moments of wonder and authentic joy.

Why Become a “Wonder Seeker”?
Seeking wonder is a transformative pursuit with multiple benefits. For Andrea, it became a form of therapy and meditation, a way to manage anxiety and find calmness. It was a practice of exploring the world, seeking beauty and interest, and allowing oneself to become immersed in the present moment. By becoming a wonder seeker, you can change your bodies, increase resilience, and better process the complexities of life. Additionally, experiencing more delight makes you a more delightful person to be around, However, being a wonder seeker is not about embracing a superficially positive outlook; it requires intentional training of the brain to shift focus from negativity to the multitude of truths and wonders present in each moment.


  • Wonder was defined as a wide-eyed delight experienced when encountering something new, beautiful, or awe-inspiring. 

  • Counterfeit joys refer to the things we settle for that we think will bring us joy but ultimately do not nourish or fulfill us.

  • Becoming a wonder seeker involves intentional practices and it requires training our brains to shift our focus from negativity to noticing the beauty in the world around us. 

  • Wonder-seeking is not about embracing a constant state of positivity or living in a fantasy world, but it is an intentional state of being open, curious, and grateful.

  • Wonder can have profound effects on our well-being such as:
    -calming our nervous systems
    -increasing resilience
    -transforming our perception of the world
    -lead to a more joyful way of living.

  • Embracing wonder can make us more delightful individuals and allow us to experience the world in a way that not everyone does…this inevitability will be contagious to those around you. 

  • Two ways to experience wonder that were mentioned was going on a wonder date and engineering wonder by intentionally creating experiences.

Andrea Scher is an author, artist and life coach whose work is driven by her belief in the transformative power of creativity for joy and wellbeing. For nearly two decades, through her award-winning blog Superhero Journal, her Creative Superheroes podcast, and her bestselling e-courses, Andrea has thrilled others with their own power to find magic all around them.

Her new book,
Wonder Seeker: 52 Ways to Wake up Your Creativity and Find Your Joy (HarperCollins) straddles the world of creativity and mindfulness - playfully inspiring readers to live more vibrant lives full of presence, joy and connection. 

You can learn more about Andrea on her website or follow her on Instagram!


Episode 45: Realigning After Success with Kristen Ley of Thimblepress


Episode 43: Adapting to Life’s Unexpected Circumstances