Episode 46: 5 Ways to Experience Accountability

As a creative entrepreneur, I understand the struggle of holding myself accountable for my goals and daily tasks. Since I started my creative business full-time in January 2021, I've learned a lot about myself, including the difficulty of self-accountability without a boss. Many obstacles can hinder progress, such as procrastination. However, I've discovered the power of accountability and how it can significantly boost productivity and provide support.

Studies by the American Society of Training and Development have shown that when you commit to someone, you have a 65% chance of achieving your goals. However, if you have an accountability appointment with that person, your chances of success increase by 95%. So, it's clear that accountability can make a significant difference, especially when you're navigating the challenging road of creative entrepreneurship.

5 Ways to Experience Accountability

  1. Announce your intentions on social media or in your newsletter and inviting others to join. This creates a sense of responsibility and support within a community.

  2. Take part of a co-working session, where you work alongside others on Zoom to work simultaneously. The presence and energy of fellow creatives provide focus and motivation.

    ​​​Here is an excerpt from an article by Corinne Preston that states:

    ”According to social psychologist Floyd Allport, the presence of other people can boost your performance. The “social facilitation” effect showed that a group of people working individually at the same table performed better on a range of tasks even though those people weren’t necessarily cooperating or competing on the same projects. This concept can be seen in virtual coworking sessions, the energy of the other participants can act as a substitute for being part of a team. This concept might be particularly helpful for those with ADHD as well. Commonly referred to as “body doubling”, working alongside others helps to provide focus and to ease an anxious mind.”

  3. Have a one-on-one accountability partner who understands your business and meet at a designated time to discuss goals and progress.

  4. Hire a life coach who can provide guidance and prompting to help you dig deep and find solutions on your own. While this option involves a financial investment, the support and motivation is valuable.

  5. Join a mastermind or intentional online or local community that gives space for feedback, learning from others' experiences, and mutual accountability.

Trouble Shooting Accountability
It's essential to be aware of what can derail accountability. These include: shame for not completing tasks, lack of intentionality in scheduling meetings, inconsistency in meeting times, and feeling discouraged by perceived lack of progress. To overcome these obstacles, I suggest setting fixed meeting times, establishing trust within your accountability partnerships, setting measurable and attainable goals, and celebrating milestones along the way.

Accountability in The Tillage Village
In the Tillage Village, we've implemented various accountability measures, such as accountability partnerships, co-working sessions, and purposeful planning sessions. We're constantly refining our approach based on the feedback and needs of our community members. The Tillage Village, hosted on the Mighty Networks platform, offers a space for business support and accountability, where you can connect with like-minded professionals and celebrate each other's successes.

If you're interested in joining the Tillage Village, be sure to sign up for the waitlist! Doors open for enrollment July 24th!

Additionally, I invite you to participate in the "Get Out of Your Own Way" Boot Camp, a free three-day event happening July 19-21, where we'll explore strategies to overcome self-limiting beliefs and unleash our full potential as artists and creatives. By attending the boot camp, you'll also have a chance to win a six-month membership to the Tillage Village.

I understand the feeling of isolation that can come with being a creative entrepreneur. That's why finding accountability and support is crucial. By implementing these strategies and being part of a community that understands and uplifts you, you can achieve greater success and fulfillment in your creative journey.

Key Takeaways:

  • Committing to someone and having an accountability appointment increases the chances of goal completion by 95%.

  • Ways to implement accountability include sharing goals on social media or newsletters, participating in co-working sessions, having a one-on-one accountability partner, working with a life coach, and being part of a mastermind or intentional online community.

  • Accountability can be derailed by shame, lack of intentionality and consistency, and not seeing desired progress.

  • To make accountability more successful, set consistent meeting times, establish trust with accountability partners, set attainable and measurable goals, set deadlines, and plan rewards for completing tasks.


Episode 47: Transforming Doubt into Belief with Lau Jaimes of Lau Monart


Episode 45: Realigning After Success with Kristen Ley of Thimblepress