Episode 47: Transforming Doubt into Belief with Lau Jaimes of Lau Monart

Talented artist and pattern designer, Lau, shares her inspiring journey. Originally from Colombia, Lau pursued a career in fashion and got a job in the textile industry. Eventually, Lau's path led her to Michigan, where she is not located with her husband and she has continued to pursue their artistic passions while starting her own creative business. Lau's story is a testament to the power of embracing opportunities, pushing through self-doubt, and following one's creative calling.

Believing In Yourself
Lau's journey is a testament to the power of support and belief from loved ones. Despite doubting her own talent, Lau's sister and an Adobe Illustrator instructor played a pivotal role in helping Lau recognize her creative potential. With their encouragement, she began to embrace her skills in watercolor painting and acknowledged the positive feedback from friends and coworkers. Each time, the support and push from those around them reinforced the idea that she had something special to offer. Lau's story reminds us that sometimes we need others to see our abilities before we can fully believe in ourselves, and the impact of that validation can be transformative.

Mindset Shifts at the Starting Line
Lau's journey toward embracing her creative business has been marked by several transformative factors. This year, Lau experienced significant personal and professional growth, driven by a shift in mindset and a deepened sense of confidence. She made a conscious decision to break free from self-doubt and began speaking more openly about her creative business and not talking about it as a hobby. Furthermore, Lau actively sought to build a supportive community around her, joined a local church, where they connected with other creatives, and became a member of the Tillage Village, where she found a network of inspiring women. Engaging with these communities provided Lau with the encouragement, guidance, and growth opportunities they needed to take their creative business to new heights.

A pivotal aspect of Lau's journey was their intentional shift in mindset. Rather than dwelling on her limitations or setbacks, Lau has chosen to reframe every situation with a focus on the positive aspects. This positive outlook has allowed her to appreciate and be grateful for her progress and current circumstances. Whether it was their humble studio space, the growing interest in her artwork, or the opportunities that has came her way, Lau has embraced each part of her creative journey.

Overcoming Rejection
In the face of numerous rejections and the hardships of not hearing back from pitching efforts, Lau has found strength and resilience in her faith. As a believer in God, she has deepened her relationship with Him and sought guidance from His word. This spiritual connection has provided Lau with a powerful perspective on handling disappointments and setbacks. Instead of being crippled by self-doubt and frustration, she has learned to surrender control and trust in God's plan. Lau recognizes that there may be reasons beyond her understanding for not landing certain opportunities, and she has choosen to find peace in the belief that everything happens for a reason. Rather than dwelling on what she lacks or comparing herself to others, Lau tries to focus on the blessings they already have and the future opportunities that lie ahead.

Tillage Village Testimony
Being a member of the Tillage Village has brought Lau numerous benefits over the past six months. One of the most valuable aspects has been the feedback and advice she has received from the community. Whenever Lau feels lost or in need of guidance, she can simply reach out to the group and receive thoughtful responses. This support network has been particularly valuable because Lau often felt a lack of connection and mentorship in their previous work environment. The Tillage Village has provided a space where she can seek opinions, share her work, and receive constructive feedback.

An exciting highlight of Lau's experience in the Tillage Village is that she had the opportunity to meet someone from the community in real life. This connection goes beyond the digital realm, demonstrating the power of The Tillage Village to foster genuine friendships.

A Word of Encouragement for Beginners
If Lau had to give one word of encouragement to someone starting their creative journey, it would be "patience." She admits that she has struggled with it herself, always wanting immediate results and feeling anxious about the future. But she has learned that nothing truly worthwhile happens overnight. It takes time to build a business, to hone your skills, and to find your niche. The years may seem to fly by, but progress happens in small steps, day by day. She has slowly gone from painting and selling to friends in her home country to selling prints, originals, and even products with her own patterns. It's been a journey of trial and error, of trying new things and learning from failures. She has had to figure out what resonates with her audience and what aligns with her brand.

So, to those just starting out, Lau encourages you to be patient with yourself and your progress. Embrace the journey and trust that with time, dedication, and perseverance, you will see the fruits of your hard work. Remember, great things take time, and your creative dreams are worth every moment of patience along the way.


  • Sometimes it takes someone else to encourage you to step into your greatness and help you believe in yourself. Just take a moment to think…how can you be that person for someone else today?

  • Patience is a critical piece to experience perseverance in your creative business journey. Good things take time and you never know what is around the corner. 

  • Instead of becoming discouraged, try to see rejections as opportunities for growth and believe that things happen for a reason. You never know what the whole story is behind the scenes. Keep moving forward.

  • Having gratitude and focusing on what you have rather than what you lack is a powerful mindset shift to be content in hard times.

  • Surrounding yourself by people who support you, cheer you on, and give you advice is one way to experience a huge growth spurt in your mindset.

  • Don’t be afraid to have big audacious dreams and even journal them to come back to later. You may be surprised at what the future holds for you and having a marker of when you dreamt something is very special.

  • Each step of your journey leads to another. Appreciate the value of the process and don’t dig up your seeds to see if they are sprouting!

    Sign up for my FREE 3 day long workshop, "Get Out of Your Own Way Bootcamp." July 19-21 at 10 am PST / 1 pm EST every morning. 

    Interested in my membership? Join ⁠⁠⁠Tillage Village Waitlist⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠! Doors open July 24-31st.

Meet Laura, or as everyone calls her, Lau! A Colombian (born and raised) Fashion Designer currently residing in Michigan and enthusiastically pursuing her dream career as a Surface Pattern Designer and Watercolor Artist in the US.

With a background in the fashion world, Lau has devoted years to perfecting her skills in illustration and design. Back in 2014, she took a leap of faith and launched her own business specializing in graphic t-shirts. Little did she know, this initial step would lead her to the textile industry, where years later her true passion for florals, watercolors, and surface pattern design would flourish.

Now, Lau's work goes beyond freelancing for other companies—it also involves the dedication she puts into building her own brand, Lau Monart. Her talents have extended beyond fabric, as she pours her creativity into crafting stunning stationery pieces. From carefully curated notebooks to meticulously designed greeting cards, Lau's artwork adorns a variety of stationery items, each infused with her unique touch.

Follow Lau’s journey on
instagram and visit her website.


Episode 48: Inside the Tillage Village: Golden Nuggets from Guest Speakers


Episode 46: 5 Ways to Experience Accountability