Episode 48: Inside the Tillage Village: Golden Nuggets from Guest Speakers

Today's episode is unlike anything you've heard before. Get ready to be inspired by our amazing guest speakers, who have delivered workshops in the Tillage Village membership. If you've ever wondered what goes on in our community, now's your chance to get a sneak peek into the incredible teachings and perspectives shared by our guests. Enrollment is now open for The Tillage Village and you'll have access to all past and future workshops from August to January. These speakers bring diverse perspectives and incredible teaching styles that will transform your creative life. So, let's dive in!

Our first speaker is Lana Fisher, founder of May We Fly. In her workshop titled "Redefining Success for an Aligned Creative Life," Lana shares golden nuggets to help you unlock your creative potential.

Key Takeaways from Leana:

  • Money is important but it does not equal to success.

  • Instead of making money the ultimate goal, think about how income can support the successful life you want to lead.

  • When you are in touch with your deepest gifting and give the world what you have to offer, money often follows as a result of that alignment.

The second speaker highlighter was Liz Brinley, and her workshop was "Building Your Business Ecosystem." Liz takes us on a journey through a metaphorical ecosystem of fertile soil, where we learn the secrets to cultivating a thriving business.

Key Takeaways from Liz:

  • Marketing doesn't have to be intimidating or sales-driven. It can be creative, human, and authentic, focusing on helping people and making a positive impact on others' lives.

  • Think of marketing as simply passing out an invitation to a dinner party.

  • The root of business is service and transformation.

In Rebecca Woolbright’s workshop, "Pushing Through Fear to Launch," she reveals the secret sauce that emboldens her to embrace new challenges with unwavering courage.

Key Takeaways from Rebecca:

  • Striving for perfection at the first attempt will most likely halt progress, so aiming for "B minus work" and embracing imperfection can be a powerful mindset shift to move into action. 

  • Embracing discomfort is a part of the process. Count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and spring into action.

The last speaker was Sarah Rafferty and her topic was "Creating a Morning Routine." Her workshop entirely changed my morning routine and gave me so much motivation to take action in my life.

Key Takeaways from Sarah:

  • It's essential to pause and assess our lives from a broader standpoint. Being too close to our routines can make it challenging to see what changes could be beneficial.

  • Start with small wins and build upon them to create a pattern of success.

  • Adopting an all-or-nothing attitude rarely works for forming habits or routines.

The ⁠⁠⁠Tillage Village is now open for enrollment until July 31st! Sign up today!


Episode 49: When Creating is Complicated with Rebekah Lowell


Episode 47: Transforming Doubt into Belief with Lau Jaimes of Lau Monart