Episode 68: Entering Into 2024 with Gentleness and Grace

When Life Forces You To Slow Down
If you are an achiever like me, someone who thrives on goals and doing it all, welcome to the party. In this episode I got real about what I have encountered for part couple of months where my life had to slow down and I found myself in a hospitalized due to mental health after battling a three-day insomnia marathon. My life has said very loud and clear to slow down, but it has been really hard for me since I have the need to do it all.

After being discharged, November and December became a haze of medications, unwelcome weight gain due to the medications, and wrestling with side effects. I also needed to rely on my superhero husband to keep the family ship sailing. Talk about a humbling experience! I have had to slow down and come to terms with the fact that I can’t do it all, balls have been dropped, and many apologies have been delivered.

Permission Granted
Fast forward to the New Year, and bam! Social media flooded with resolutions, highlight reels, and the pressure to conquer the world by January 2nd. I started to feel SO much overwhelm and a paralyzing feeling. The anxiety was palpable, and the need to do it all was suffocating.

I'm betting there's at least one soul nodding along reading this, feeling the weight of expectations. This one's for you, my friend. Permission granted: enter the new year with grace and gentleness. It's okay if your resolutions are still marinating in the back of your mind.

I love fresh starts—the first of the month, Mondays, and, oh, the New Year. But this time, I needed a different approach. This year I am going slow and allowing myself to not have it all figured out. I also needed a way to get myself out of my funk so I did 5 things to reset and slow down.

5 Things to Reset and Slow Down

1. Accept your feelings instead of trying to suppress them. Share them instead of hiding them. Communicate them with friends in your community, family, and partner.

2. Get areas of your home in order.

3. Move your body

4. Eating nutrient foods.

5. Move towards goal setting, planning, and intention setting when it felt right rather than pushing it.


  • It’s ok to let go of the pressure to immediately set goals, make resolutions, or achieve high levels of productivity.

  • The 5 Ways You Can Recenter for A Slow Entry into January were:

    -Accepting your feelings rather than suppressing them. Opening up about your feelings and struggles can lead to understanding, encouragement, and the realization that others may be experiencing similar challenges.

    -Organizing and decluttering your house. The home is portrayed as a place of safety and security, and creating order within it can positively impact mental well-being.

    -Moving Your body in a way to prioritize mental health, rather than focusing on weight loss or other external goals.

    -Eating nutrient rich foods to restore your health.

    -Move towards goal setting, planning, and intention setting when it feels right rather than pushing it. 

    -In the season of winter, nature is at rest, and it is important to recognize the natural rhythm of slowing down, resting, and being gentle with ourselves.


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Episode 69: The Act of Releasing and Letting Go


Episode 67: Encouragement When Starting is Difficult with Kristi Westberg of At The Dot Design