Episode 69: The Act of Releasing and Letting Go

Picking Your Word of The Year
Let's chat about the magic of picking a "Word of the Year." Now, this isn't some mystical ritual; it's more like a gentle nudge to steer your focus toward positive change. If you're new to this concept or haven't chosen your word for 2024, the internet is your treasure trove. Just type in "2024 Word of the Year examples," and you'll find lists galore.

For me, this word becomes my anchor and my North Star throughout the year. I believe it will keep you centered, focused, and intentional. Last year, my word was "abundance," and I was intentional about trying to gain more abundance of time with my family, in creativity, and some breathing room in life.

So, picking your word of the year isn't just a word; it's a catalyst for change and a guiding force for your year-long creative journey.

The Word: Release
This year the word "release" decided to plant itself firmly in my mind. I did not appreciate this word choice at first. It felt like a command to relinquish control, and if you're anything like me, control issues are a cozy comfort zone.

The word "release" felt like a pesky demand, urging me to let go. On the other, it was a gulp of fresh air, a reminder to take a deep breath and just exhale. Love it or loathe it, my relationship with this word is a rollercoaster of emotions. It's like that friend who gives you tough love but means well.

According to the dictionary, it means to set free, to allow something to move, act, or flow freely. Initially, my resistance kicked in. Wait, am I confined? Am I stuck? Do I need setting free? It stung a bit. But here's the beauty—the hope that comes with it. The hope that, yes, I will be set free, and I will flow freely.

So, I embraced the discomfort, accepted that "release" would be my constant companion for the year, pushing me out of my cozy control cocoon. I'm throwing an invitation your way to join me on this wild ride. Even if "release" isn't your designated word, the lessons it offers are universal. Sometimes, we all need to let go, let things flow, and move with the current of life.

Molting Season
Releasing means change, and change is messy, painful, awkward, and downright uncomfortable. I've dipped my toes into this sea of transformation, and it's brought forth a wave of discomfort and awkwardness. I feel like I am stumbling through the process of self-improvement looking like a molting bird.

As I have been contemplating change, this analogy of molting has just been sitting with me. Birds molt at least once or twice a year to replace old feathers with new ones. Have you ever seen a molting chicken? Trust me, it's a sight. Feathers are missing and they are so awkward.

But here's the beauty in the awkwardness, and I'm declaring this phase in my life as my personal molting season. It's a time of awkwardness, vulnerability, and yes, a bit of ugliness as I clean up parts of myself. Just like a bird with missing feathers, I'm shedding aspects of my life that no longer serve me well.

Now, if you're considering a journey of releasing, let me warn you—it's hard, empowering, and absolutely necessary to become a better version of ourselves. It's about shedding what holds us back, casting off the things that no longer serve us. You could probably make a laundry list of things to release, but let's start small and simple.

So, you ready to feel awkward, embrace the discomfort, and join me in this empowering journey of releasing? It might be a bumpy ride, but the destination promises higher heights and a better, more liberated version of ourselves.


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Episode 70: Fixed Mindset to Growth Mindset with Erin Kendal


Episode 68: Entering Into 2024 with Gentleness and Grace