Episode 71: Shifting From Self-Doubt to Self-Trust

*Grab your workbook to work alongside this episode!

Today I am excited to share with you the workshop “From Self-Doubt to Trusting Yourself,” from my creative community The Tillage Village. Do you ever feel like if you just had a fairy godmother with a magic wand to sprinkle some self trust all over you…you could show up better for yourself, your art, and your business? If I am honest with myself, the ways I have held myself back are linked to the simple fact that I didn’t trust my idea, my path, or the hopes for my future could actually exist. In this session we explore the symptoms of self doubt, and tools to empower more self-trust and confidence.

What is Self-doubt?

Self-doubt, a silent underminer that often hides in the shadows of our thoughts, surfaces in a myriad of ways. According to the dictionary, it's a lack of confidence in oneself and one's abilities, similar to but not identical with low self-esteem. The word impostor syndrome buzzes around the art community and if you think about it the roots are tied to self-doubt. Reflecting on personal experiences, I crafted a list of how self-doubt has manifested itself in my life: difficulty accepting compliments, seeking constant approval, negative self-talk, downplaying achievements, and the ever-persistent fear of failure or success. These signs often reveal themselves in our actions and attitudes. This introspective journey can unravel deep-seated doubts that may have originated in childhood or past experiences, affecting one's self-esteem and trust in oneself.

Embracing Self-Forgiveness and Healing from Past Doubts

So, let's do a little time travel back to those moments that shook our confidence, stirred up self-doubt, and made us question if we were cut out for certain things. I know, it sounds a bit odd, but revisiting those emotional times can be healing. Imagine talking to your younger self and asking, "What did you need to hear back then?" Trust me, it's like handing out kindness to your past self. Reflect on those experiences and ask if there's room for self-love and forgiveness. Was it someone else who fueled that doubt, or did you also play a part in it? You can even say it out loud—yes, really! It's about saying, "I forgive myself for giving in to doubt and lacking self-compassion. Today, I choose to love myself, believe in my abilities, and embrace my worth." It might feel a bit strange, but trust me, it can be a game-changer.

Building Self Compassion and Confidence in the Present

Boosting your confidence doesn't always mean having it all figured out; sometimes, it's about faking it until you make it. Stepping into the person you want to become involves taking small actions today, even if it's just working out in your 30s to be a healthy grandma later on. Beware of the comparison trap, especially on social media. Embrace the concept of an "expander" – someone who helps broaden your perspective, abilities, and business vision. Sharing insights with friends in your creative community can be a powerful confidence booster. Don't be weighed down by the misconception that you need numerous credentials to pursue your passion; there's no rulebook for stepping into something new. Lastly, create a self-confidence storehouse by recognizing and appreciating your unique gifts, talents, and achievements, serving as a powerful reminder during moments of self-doubt.

Key Takeaways:

  • Self-doubt is a common challenge faced by many and you are not alone in navigating it. Working on this part of yourself to become more healthy will makes waves in your business and life.

  • The symptoms of Self-Doubt were:

    • Difficulty accepting compliments.

    • Seeking constant approval or affirmation.

    • Saying negative things about oneself.

    • Downplaying achievements.

    • Comparison with others.

    • Not believing or thinking one deserves success.

    • Avoiding playing big or taking risks due to fear of failure.

    • Second-guessing oneself and engaging in acts of self-sabotage.

  • Some tools to Overcome Self-Doubt were:

    • Improve the relationship with yourself through self-compassion.

    • Journal your thoughts and engage in two-way conversations with your inner mentor or a supportive friend.

    • Reflect on past achievements to build confidence in decision-making.

    • Seek feedback and community support to gain a clearer perspective.

    • Creating financial plans or budgets to provide stability for bigger decisions.

    • Be mindful of self-talk and question whether you would say the same thing to a friend.

    • Practice "fake it till you make it" by embodying the confidence you aspire to have.


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Join the waitlist today for “Pitch Like A Pro” with Kristi Westberg! Enrollment opens February 5th!


Episode 72: Building Confidence Through Community with Katy Grube


Episode 70: Fixed Mindset to Growth Mindset with Erin Kendal