Episode 72: Building Confidence Through Community with Katy Grube

Katy Grube of Brighten the Day, a valued member of our community the Tillage Village. In 2020, inspired by her daughter's passion for letter writing, they co-founded Brighten the Day. In November 2022, a spontaneous burst of creativity at a craft show shifted her focus from sellable items to meaningful creations and brought a new spark alive in her. Joining the Tillage Village has provided her with direction and purpose, transforming her small business into a fulfilling endeavor.

The Power of Supportive Community
Katy explained that what captivates her the most about being in the Tillage Village’s supportive community is the collective appreciation for diverse artistic mediums, transcending specific skills or programs. Instead, the focus is on cultivating a healthy mindset, pursuing individual goals, and fostering mutual support along unique paths, free from competition. The community addresses a range of topics, from practical skill-based to more abstract mindset challenges. Katy finds the one-on-one relationships within the accountability program to be like having a supportive friend guiding her, understanding her dreams, and encouraging her to achieve them. The group's shared effort creates a safety net for navigating challenges. She is inspired by the collaborative spirit, recognizing that within any community, everyone possesses valuable experiences and insights to share. While exploring new art techniques and taking various classes is exciting, the essence lies in believing in oneself as an artist and acknowledging the unique contribution each member brings to the world.

Building Confidence
To build confidence, Katy engaged in every opportunity offered in the Tillage Village, from workbooks to co-working sessions, determined to overcome her mindset challenges. A pivotal moment came when she revisited journaling, inspired by fellow member Kristi Westberg’s commitment to working through "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. Although familiar with the book, daily morning pages became a transformative practice. While writing, she processed her thoughts, revisiting workshop discussions and community posts, and spilled her pain upon the page. The act of putting pen to paper allowed her heart's contents, including broken areas, to pour out. The repetitive self-reflection led her to the realization that she alone held the power to bring about change.

Overcoming Self-Doubt in a Supportive Community
Discovering a newfound appreciation for herself as a unique individual and cultivating self-love marked a pivotal shift. An impactful workshop on overcoming self-doubt resonated deeply, offering a diagnosis that felt both enlightening and relatable—she had "self-doubt disease." The realization that this struggle wasn't a personal flaw but a universal human condition brought a sense of relief. Working through the provided workbook, she grasped that others, even accomplished artists in the Tillage Village, faced similar battles and overcame them.

Katy is a lifelong encourager who is convinced that the simple things we do & say are life-changing & world-changing. This belief led her to found the brand “Brighten the Day” whose mission is to share ideas and products that equip us all to encourage the people in our lives. She lives in the middle of the Midwest farmlands with her husband, their four children, and their ornery Bernedoodle named Scout.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is an important realization to recognize that self-doubt and lack of confidence is a common human condition and not a personal flaw.

  • Witnessing others in the community confront their own self-doubt and pursue their creative endeavors can be encouraging for you to do the same.

  • Engaging in daily journaling can help you revisit personal wounds, face challenges, and discover new perspectives which can assist in making strides in your mindset.

  • The powerful exercise of reconnecting with your younger self can foster self-love and appreciation for your unique journey.

  • Being part of a supportive community provides opportunities to learn, share, and encourage one another, breaking down barriers of self-doubt.

  • Embracing the diversity of skills and perspectives within a community is essential. When it is understood that everyone has a unique contribution to make, and no one is in direct competition, a deep sense of belonging and collaboration can take place.


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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brightentheday


Episode 73: Keeping The Creative Spark Alive with AJ Knox


Episode 71: Shifting From Self-Doubt to Self-Trust