Episode 74: Sow, Wait, Reap: The Journey of Investments

As creative entrepreneurs, we sow seeds of time and effort, crafting courses, artwork, and various projects with the anticipation of a meaningful harvest. This episode explores the parallels between creative endeavors and gardening, emphasizing the art of patience, the diverse timelines of investments, and the balance between quick wins (carrots) and long-term visions (apples) in our pursuit of growth.

Nurturing Expectation
Let's dive into a genuine conversation about the struggles we face with the unseen work of creative ventures and the time investments that might not show immediate results. It's all about expectation – that belief in a future payoff that keeps us going through those uncertain moments. Especially when the journey feels long and the rewards seem distant. I've been there, questioning the worth of my time and efforts. This conversation is for all the creatives out there wondering if their investments will ever pay off.

Not All Investments Are Created Equal
Over time I have realized the importance of diversifying my creative projects – think of it like planting both carrots and an apple orchard. Carrots, like quick commissions for pet portraits, bring in immediate income to cover bills. While the apple orchard, like creating an extensive eight-module course, requires more time but promises a substantial payoff. As someone drawn to big visionary projects, I tend to overlook these quick-win "carrots" because they might seem easy and lack the heartfelt connection I crave. However, acknowledging the strategic value of pursuing both quick turnarounds and long-term investments has given me the freedom to explore various avenues. Even in the waiting periods, I find peace knowing that I can benefit from multiple ongoing projects, making the eventual harvest and rewards even more worthwhile.

Trusting the Growth Process
Parallels can be drawn between the anticipation of seeds sprouting and the unfolding of creative projects. Both experiences underscore the importance of embracing and trusting the process. Ever feel the urge to dig up your seeds prematurely? I get it. Patience is tough, but it's a game-changer in the creative world. The metaphorical lesson here: Don't rush the harvest. Patience turns that tiny sprout into something big and meaningful. I wrote a haiku that encapsulates this sentiment: "Seeds are not unearthed, for growth to be monitored, trust in the waiting." I hope this episode encourages you to not unearth your seeds, and that ultimately you can find the belief that your investments are worth it.


  • Investment involves time, effort, and belief in a worthwhile result, with expectation
    playing a key role in motivating the investment. Without expectation the investment may not exist in the first place.

  • Not all investments or as was discussed, “seeds,” are created equal. Carrot seeds bear quick results, whereas apple seeds are long-term investments.

  • Cultivating patience is crucial in investment. Just like seeds need time to grow, investments need time to yield results. Trusting the process and not digging up the seeds prematurely is important to growth.

  • In business, it is wise to strategically invest in quick-return projects to sustain oneself while waiting for long-term investments to bear fruit.

  • While waiting can be challenging, the rewards of patience and endurance make the harvest more meaningful and valuable.

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Episode 75: Tillage Village Roundtable


Episode 73: Keeping The Creative Spark Alive with AJ Knox