Episode 79: Gain A New Perspective On Your Progress

Today we are diving into a topic that's ever-present in our creative conversations: time and the journey to success. We all know that feeling when our ideas seem to take ages to materialize into success. Whether it's the slow progress from concept to reality or the constant comparison to others' seemingly faster trajectories, time can be a tricky companion on our creative journeys.

Embracing Your Unique Pace
"It doesn't matter how long it takes to get there. It only matters that you keep plugging along." - Forrest Wells
Everyone's pace in their creative business journey is unique. We're wired differently in terms of decision-making, risk tolerance, and implementation speed. Some may move swiftly, while others take more time for contemplation and planning. It's crucial to honor our individual rhythms and not compare ourselves to others. What matters most is the consistent effort and progress we make, regardless of the timeline.

Thriving Through The Seasons
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt
Our business journeys unfold in various seasons, impacting growth and momentum. These seasons can be external, like the changing seasons of the year or personal life events such as moving houses, health challenges, or caregiving responsibilities. Embracing these seasons, whether they bring momentum or a slower pace, allows us to appreciate the unique opportunities and challenges they offer. It's about making the best use of our current circumstances and resources, no matter the season.

Avoiding Comparison Traps
"Don't compare your beginnings to someone else's middle." - Tim Hiller
Comparison often leads to self-doubt and discouragement, especially when we compare our beginnings to others who are further along in their journeys. Each of us has different resources, support systems, and experiences that shape our paths. Acknowledging this diversity helps us focus on our progress, learning from both thriving and challenging times. It's essential to celebrate our own milestones without feeling pressured by someone else's timeline.

Timeline Exercise Self Reflection
"Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we'll ever do." - Brene Brown
Reflecting on our creative business journey through a timeline exercise can be enlightening. It allows us to recognize patterns, identify areas of growth, and celebrate accomplishments. By owning our story—including both successes and setbacks—and showing ourselves compassion, we empower ourselves to make informed decisions for the future. Embracing our journey with kindness and self-love is indeed a courageous act that fuels our creative endeavors.


  • Recognize that everyone has a different pace for decision-making and progress, influenced by their personality and risk tolerance. It's essential to go at your own pace and be at peace with your decisions.

  • It’s important to remember that businesses go through different seasons, which can affect growth, efficiency, and momentum. Factors like moving, health issues, family responsibilities, and life events impact productivity and progress.

  • Everyone has different resources that can propel them in their journey, such as childcare support, help from friends or family, suitable workspace, or financial stability. Comparing your journey to others' without considering these differences can lead to unrealistic expectations.

  • Creating a timeline of your creative journey can help you gain perspective, identify areas of growth and difficulty, and set realistic goals for the future. It allows you to celebrate your achievements, learn from past challenges, and plan for continued success.

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Episode 80: Changing Lanes: Exploring New Paths with Alisha Wielfaert


Episode 78: The Emotional Rollercoaster of Launching with Ashley Paggi, Genna Blackburn, and Rebecca Woolbright