Episode 80: Changing Lanes: Exploring New Paths with Alisha Wielfaert

In this episode I had the pleasure of chatting with Alisha Wielfaert, a life coach and artist, about finding purpose and exploring creativity by getting out of your own lane. Alisha shared insightful perspectives on breaking out of comfort zones and embracing personal growth through creative endeavors. We discussed how creativity can empower self-discovery and transformation, opening avenues for authentic self-expression

Discovering Purpose
Alisha's journey as a life coach and artist illuminated the importance of aligning passion with purpose. We discussed how finding our unique purpose can bring clarity and fulfillment to our lives, leading to a more meaningful and purpose-driven existence. Alisha's personal experiences and professional insights provided valuable lessons on navigating life's challenges with resilience and creativity.

Embracing Creativity and Breaking Limits
The conversation also touched on the role of discomfort in growth and creativity. Alisha shared strategies for stepping outside comfort zones, emphasizing the value of embracing discomfort as a catalyst for personal and artistic development. We explored how pushing past fear and uncertainty can lead to breakthrough moments in our creative journeys.

Encouraging Growth and Expansion
Throughout our discussion, Alisha highlighted the significance of self-expression and authenticity in creative pursuits. She encouraged listeners to embrace their creative voices and trust their instincts, fostering a sense of empowerment and confidence in their artistic endeavors. Alisha's words resonated deeply, reminding us that creativity is not just about making art but also about discovering our true selves.

Overall, this episode with Alisha was a thought-provoking exploration of purpose, creativity, and personal growth. Her wisdom and insights serve as inspiration for anyone seeking to embark on a journey of self-discovery and creative expression.

Alisha Wielfaert is a life coach to women in life transitions using positive psychology and creativity to walk with women on their journey to flourishing.   She is also an expert facilitator skilled in the art of gathering women for meaningful connection and deep dives into spirituality and creativity.  Her first book, the best-seller, “Little Failures: Learning to Build Resilience Through Everyday Setbacks, Challenges, and Obstacles,” was published in 2022.  She is also an illustrative watercolor artist, abstract acrylic artist, and surface pattern designer.  Alisha loves working with women who have a propensity to take action toward their dreams.

Connect with Alisha:
Instagram: @yokeandabundance and @The_Painted_way
Website: www.yokeandabundance.com and www.thepaintedway.com


  • Embracing personal development tools like "The Artist's Way" can help you to explore your creativity and discover what truly resonates with you.

  • Identifying and living by your core values will lead to a more authentic life.

  • Knowing what matters most to you can guide your decisions and actions, leading to greater satisfaction and fulfillment.

  • Don't be afraid to get out of your lane and explore new interests or cross traditional boundaries to uncover your true potential.

  • Cultivating a supportive community and engaging with others who encourage collaboration will allow everyone’s light to shine brighter.

  • Lastly, Embracing opportunities to step out of your comfort zone and will allow you to experience continuous growth, expansion, and learning. Remember, if you are interested in something it is for you.

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Episode 81: Combating the Shame of False Starts and Getting Up Again


Episode 79: Gain A New Perspective On Your Progress