Episode 88: "Boost Creativity & Productivity By Reducing Extra Noise in Your Life”

Earlier last week I attended a podcasting summit and it filled me with inspiration, clarity, and encouragement. I want to share two key takeaways that were so important for me in my podcasting journey from this summit. First, I needed to be reminded to “let it be easy.” Often, I overthink my episodes, write extensive outlines, and do tons of research, making it harder than it needs to be. I realized the best episodes are the ones where I’m having fun and letting things flow naturally. The second takeaway was the importance of being a bit polarizing or triggering. As podcasters and leaders, we need to sometimes say things that might make listeners uncomfortable but inspire them to take action. I’ve tended to play it safe, but I was reminded that the best content often comes from pushing those boundaries.

Turning Down The Noise On Your Phone
With that being said, I want to talk about something that might inspire you to take action in your life. I realized that the noise and clutter in my life were causing stress and burnout. This noise came from my phone – social media, email, and constant notifications. So, I decided to delete Instagram, Facebook, and Gmail from my phone for two weeks. The difference was incredible. I became more present, productive, and creative without the constant distractions.

Turning Down The Noise By Decluttering
The second way pf turning down the noise is clearing mental and physical clutter to make space for clarity, inspiration, and creativity. I’ve started tackling those to-do list items that have been weighing me down, creating a ripple effect in my life. I have come to recognize that reorganizing and clearing things in my home has made a huge difference in my daily life.

Just Do It June
Just Do It June is open for enrollment, and it’s only $30 for the whole month! You’ll get access to a supportive community, weekly Zoom calls, and daily ideas for tackling your to do list you have been procrastinating on. This event is not just for artists or entrepreneurs – anyone can join and benefit from it! I hope you’ll consider joining me in Just Do It June. But even if you don’t, I encourage you to try eliminating distractions from your phone and clearing some clutter from your physical space. It can make a world of difference to usher in more clarity, creativity, and inspiration.


  • Whether you're podcasting  or engaging in any creative activity, remember the mantra "let it be easy." Cut down on over-preparation and overthinking. Approach your work with a lighter touch, and find joy and authenticity in simplicity.

  • Recognize the power and necessity of occasionally being polarizing in your content. Addressing challenging topics can provoke thought and inspire change in your audience. It’s okay to push boundaries and make your listeners—or readers—rethink their positions. Remember, his isn't just about being heard; it's about encouraging transformative conversations.

  • By limiting your exposure to constant alerts and the compulsion to check updates on your phone, you create more space to be present and engaged in your current activities, fostering a deeper connection with the world around you and boosting your mental focus.

  • Tackle the clutter that physically and mentally burdens you. This not only cleanses your physical environment but also clears mental clutter, making way for clarity, creativity, and a renewed sense of control.

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Episode 89: Overcome Overwhelm and Organize Your Life with Megs Crawford


Episode 87: Confessions of a “Bad Business Owner”