Episode 89: Overcome Overwhelm and Organize Your Life with Megs Crawford

In this episode we dive into the world of organizing and decluttering, particularly for individuals with ADHD. We are joined today by Megs from Mindful Megs, a professional organizer who left the corporate world to focus on coaching and podcasting. In this episode she provides us with valuable insights into managing overwhelm, creating effective systems, and fostering a more organized and intentional life. Whether you're struggling to find a place for your belongings or looking for ways to support yourself and others through the chaos, this episode offers practical advice and inspiration.

Understanding ADHD and Overcoming Overwhelm

Megs primarily works with people with ADHD, helping them to create tailored organizing systems that suit their unique needs. She discusses the common challenges faced by individuals with ADHD, such as disorganization and chaos resulting from too much stuff and multiple responsibilities. Together we explore the importance of delegating tasks, letting go of control, and practicing self-kindness. Learn how small, achievable steps can lead to significant improvements in managing your environment and emotions.

Practical Tips for Decluttering and Organizing

We then dive into specific strategies for decluttering and organizing spaces, with a focus on individuality and practicality. Megs emphasizes the freedom in understanding that organizing methods can be tailored to individual needs. We discuss the ripple effects of a decluttered home, such as being more intentional about purchases and saving money. Tips include starting small, like organizing a pantry, and adopting tiny techniques such as meal planning and grocery list management. Megs also highlights the importance of recognizing non-joyful items and managing impulsive shopping habits.

Organizing for Creativity and Emotional Well-being

Have you ever felt the emotional and creative benefits of an organized space? Megs explains how organizing art supplies can help regulate emotions and increase creativity. We share personal experiences of feeling overwhelmed by clutter and the positive changes that we experienced after decluttering. Megs recounts a touching story of helping a client recently diagnosed with breast cancer to organize her home, illustrating the empowering effects of a well-organized space.

My hope is that this episode will inspire you to create systems that work for you, and enjoy the benefits of a more organized and intentional life. Don't miss out on Megs' expert tips and inspiring journey, and discover how small changes can lead to big transformations. You can connect with Megs for more insights through her website, social media, or podcast.

As a professional organizer with ADHD, Megs understands the unique challenges and untapped brilliance of the ADHD brain. She's passionate about helping others with ADHD cultivate organized spaces that foster peace and ignite creativity. Beyond physical and digital organization, Megs is an ADHD organizing coach and does digital decluttering sessions via zoom for clients with a focus on the power of self-belief – a core principle for thriving with ADHD. Megs is also a speaker, sharing her message of how ADHD can be a superpower when understood and embraced. When not organizing, you can find her with her two daughters, beloved pets, and supportive husband. She finds joy in yoga, singing, coloring, and reflecting her ongoing commitment to personal growth.

: mindfulmegs | Instagram, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree


  • Reducing physical clutter not only cleans your space but also clarifies your mind, making daily tasks and decision-making feel more effortless. It’s common for external chaos to mirror internal chaos and overwhelm.

  • Develop organizing systems that resonate with your personal and family needs rather than striving for 'Pinterest perfect'. Creating organizational strategies to fit your lifestyle fosters a sustainable environment that genuinely works for you.

  • Negotiate household responsibilities with family members to balance the workload and maintain order.

  • Start small in your organizational journey. Focus on one category at a time and celebrate small victories to build momentum.

  • Lastly, acknowledge and release the emotional weight of unused or unnecessary possessions. This process can significantly lighten your mental load, leading to a more joyous and energetic daily life.

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Episode 90: “Let It Be Easy”: Release Perfectionism & Rewire Limiting Beliefs


Episode 88: "Boost Creativity & Productivity By Reducing Extra Noise in Your Life”