Episode 90: “Let It Be Easy”: Release Perfectionism & Rewire Limiting Beliefs

In this episode, we embark on an unscripted journey to explore the power of letting things be easy. Inspired by a phrase from a recent podcasting summit I attended, we'll dive into how perfectionism stifles creativity and how embracing simplicity can transform both our personal and professional lives.

Letting Go of Perfectionism
Join the ride as we dive into the experiment of recording an episode with no outline or preparation This approach, inspired by the idea of "letting it be easy," challenges the notion that perfectionism is necessary for quality work. We discuss how perfectionism often stems from upbringing and societal expectations, and how it impacts creativity. Reflecting on personal experiences, we consider how much easier life could be if we let go of the need for everything to be perfect.

Rewiring Limiting Beliefs
I also talk about the importance of rewiring limiting beliefs around creativity and business. By taking baby steps towards more effortless creation, we can gradually overcome the fear of not being perfect. This episode is an invitation to join the journey of deconstructing perfectionism and embracing ease in all areas of life. As we continue to deconstruct limiting beliefs together, remember that creativity and success don't have to come from a place of struggle. By allowing ourselves to work more naturally and authentically, we can create impactful and meaningful work. I hope this episode inspires you to find ease in your own creative processes and business endeavors.


  • Experimenting with creating without rigid outlines demonstrates how letting go of planning can lead to more natural, fluid expression of thoughts and creativity.

  • The mantra of "let it be easy" invites you to rethink your approach to work and creativity. It challenges the notion that valuable creations require struggle and hardship, offering instead the idea that ease and enjoyment can lead to equally significant results.

  • There is a mental shift required to move from a state of over-complication to one of simplicity and it involves recognizing and dismantling your beliefs about productivity and success.

  • Lastly, I invite you to journal about areas where you do not allow things to be easy and allow for some introspection and reflection so you can reduce stress and increase joy in creative pursuits.

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Episode 91: The Power of Showing Up & Taking Risks with Nicole Stevenson of Dear Handmade Life


Episode 89: Overcome Overwhelm and Organize Your Life with Megs Crawford