Episode 92: The Impact of Affirmation on Community and Yourself

The Impact of Affirming Others
Affirmation plays a crucial role in our creative communities. When we take the time to encourage and support fellow artists, we create a ripple effect that can uplift the entire community. Think about the last time you gave a shout-out to a fellow creative. How did they respond? Perhaps they felt inspired, hopeful, or motivated to continue their work. The act of affirming others shouldn't be about what we get in return, but rather about genuinely supporting and lifting up those around us. Witnessing this support in action, especially within my Tillage Village membership, has been incredibly heartwarming. Remember, “we rise by lifting others.” So, let's make a conscious effort to encourage someone in our community today.

Embracing and Celebrating Our Achievements
It's equally important to affirm and celebrate our own achievements. Reflecting on what we've accomplished allows us to appreciate our journey and progress. I recently discovered that The Tillage Podcast is ranked in the top 1.5% of podcasts globally. This realization filled me with pride and gratitude for all the effort I've put into creating valuable content for you. Often, we move from one project to the next without pausing to acknowledge our successes. I encourage you to take a moment to look back at your accomplishments and be proud of yourself. Whether it's a small victory or a significant milestone, your achievements deserve recognition.

Action Steps for Affirmation
To wrap up this episode, I have two action items for you. First, reach out to someone in your creative community and offer them genuine encouragement and support. Acknowledge their hard work and the impact they are making. Second, take a step back and reflect on your own accomplishments. Say out loud, "I'm proud of myself," and if you're feeling bold, share your achievements with others. Celebrating our successes publicly not only affirms our efforts but also inspires those around us.

Thank you for listening and for being part of this journey. I look forward to bringing you more inspiring episodes next week. Until then, let's affirm and encourage each other and take pride in all we've achieved.


  • Regularly take stock of what you have accomplished. Acknowledging your successes fosters a positive self-view and can motivate you to continue pushing forward.

  • Giving and receiving encouragement and affirmation are vital for personal and community growth. Make it a habit to extend such affirmations to others; it strengthens bonds and builds a supportive community.

  • Make a conscious effort to affirm yourself. Ask reflective questions like, "What have I accomplished recently that I'm proud of?" This practice promotes a positive mindset and also can help inspire others when you shine bright.

  • When we actively uplift those around us through genuine affirmations and acknowledgment of their efforts, we not only foster their growth but also elevate our own journey. Remember, “we rise by lifting others.”

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